Henry® 189 Fiberglass Roving

A continuous filament glass fiber

Henry<sup>®</sup> 189 Fiberglass Roving

Henry® 189 Fiberglass Roving

Henry® 189 Fiberglass Roving is a continuous filament glass fiber with approximately sixty strands held together loosely in rope form by a special sizing. The emulsion and glass fibers are spray applied simultaneously using a glass chopper spray gun (chopped to a typical length of 3/4") to provide a reinforced asphalt emulsion coating and waterproof monolithic surfacing. Applying the normal rate of 9 gallons, Henry® 107 Asphalt Emulsion and 3 pounds, glass fiber, increases the film’s tensile strength by four times that of an unreinforced film.


  • For use with the Monolithic™ System for roofing and waterproofing (Henry 100, 107, or 109 emulsions)
  • Enables double the film thickness without shrinkage cracks

Sizes available

  • 50 carton

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