
Henry Prodeq System is the Practical Choice

Baltimore Waterproofing

The experts at Baltimore Waterproofing recommend the Henry® Prodeq™ System for waterproofing tasks such as plaza decks, roofs, split slabs, terraces, and similar projects due to its practical benefits. Led by Vice President Tyler Brown with 18 years’ experience in the field, the team agrees Prodeq positively impacts operations, especially in terms of project speed and labor requirements. Brown said his decision to use Prodeq is driven by its efficient return to service times, which has sped up project completion and reduced labor needs. “Getting the area waterproofed early and not having to work around other trades is a game changer,” he said. “Prodeq's reliability means we get little to no call backs on follow-up repairs.”

Prodeq tackles UV exposure, increases efficiency

Brown said his team recently applied Prodeq on five projects, covering four courtyards and one balcony, amounting to about 69,755 square feet. The product has helped his crew tackle common waterproofing issues like UV exposure and the need for quick, detailing work.

“The number one challenge on all projects is UV exposure,” Brown said. “Project schedules rarely allow you to get in and waterproof, then cover the area up in 14 days. With Prodeq, we can get on a deck, spray it in a day and not worry about UV exposure and possible damage.”

Prodeq’s quick and easy application has allowed for more manageable project schedules and less worry about time constraints.

“Detailing projects with Prodeq cuts down on labor and time as you can prep, prime, and spray quickly,” Brown said. “Prodeq keeps crews moving making application more efficient and cost-effective.”

Prodeq better than traditional hot applied systems

Prodeq also makes it easier to manage labor and resources across projects, an advantage over traditional hot applied systems.

“The construction business is very busy and demanding,” Brown said. “Having to manage manpower for multiple jobs is a hassle. Eight to twelve men are needed to waterproof large decks using hot applied systems. With Prodeq, the crew size drops to three to four men, allowing you to manage more jobs at a time.”

Using Prodeq also can double crew output when compared to hot applied systems, Brown said.

“For example, we can waterproof an 8,000 square foot area in one day with a team of three to four men,” he said. “I have to double the manpower to get that type of footage if I’m using a hot applied system.”

Support from Henry

The assistance from Henry in training and equipping the Baltimore Waterproofing team has been valuable in maximizing the benefits of Prodeq. “We’ve worked with Henry products for 30 years and have seen their tremendous investment in expanding the Prodeq line,” he said. “We believe in Prodeq and have even invested in our own application equipment thanks to the support from Henry personnel.”