How to Earn LEED Credits with Henry® Spray Foam Insulation

Henry PERMAX 2.0 / 1.8 SPF Insulation

A summary of the possible LEED points which may be obtained through the use of Henry Company’s PERMAX 1.8 and 2.0 Polyurethane Foam Insulation systems are as follow:

Energy and Atmosphere (EA Prerequisite 2)
PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 contribute energy costs savings though out the life of the structure. PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 provide energy saving of up to 30%.

Optimize Energy Performance (EA Credit 1), 1 to 19 points
PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 contribute energy costs savings though out the life of the structure. PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 provide energy saving of up to 30%.

Indoor Environmental Quality, Low-Emitting Materials (IEQ Credit 4)
PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 have a low VOC content of 13 grams per liter (g/L)

Indoor Environmental Quality, Thermal Comfort - Design (IEQ Credit 7.1), 1 point
PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 can help a building comply with ASHRAE 55-2004 including humidity control within established range by eliminating infiltration of outside air and creating a tighter building envelope.

Regional Materials (MR Credit 5), 1 to 2 points
The cured polyurethane foam insulation is manufactured at project location using resins provided by Henry Company. As a result, PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 always comply with the 500-mile limitation as required by LEED MR credit 5.

Innovation in Design (ID Credit 1), 1 point
PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 exhibit superior thermal performance and installation flexibility that may contribute to this credit. PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 can be easily applied into areas inaccessible to other forms of insulation. PERMAX 2.0 and 1.8 also provide superior air sealing when compared to fiberglass or cellulose insulation.

Henry LEED submittal documents are available by request at 800-486-1278.


*The availability of LEED credits may depend on overall building design, quantity of Henry materials used, the nature of other building materials and is subject to periodic revision of LEED credit checklists. Henry makes no representations or warranties that use of a particular Henry product will result in any or a particular LEED credit being awarded.