
TQ3 understands that each waterproofing application comes with its own unique set of challenges, whether it be access or location, the size of the project or installation restrictions TQ3 has a system designed to meet those requirements.

System Choices


Waterproofing system for plaza decks, roofs, split slabs and terraces. Prodeq provides the longest labor and materials warranty, which includes the removal and replacement of overburden. Its installation speeds up the construction program, and requires no protection board or root barrier. The instant setting, seamless membrane, allows for complex building design. No seams, welds, laps, termination bars or surface flashings are required. Any overburden can be used, allowing for wider and more economical choices. It can be directly trafficked by construction vehicles. prodeq is VOC compliant and has no odor.


Fluid applied, reinforced, waterproofing and deck coating system for roofing, plaza decks, balconies and traffic coatings. Pumadeq uses unique technology that combines the benefits of PMMA rapid cure times and the elasticity of polyurethane. Its advantages include a long, labor and materials warranty, very low application temperatures and full cure, 1-hour after installation. Pumadeq is VOC compliant.


Fluid applied, reinforced, waterproofing system primarily used for indoor installations. Polydeq is odor free. It is based on polyurethane technology and has no VOC’s Typical installations include mechanical rooms, wet rooms and exterior waterproofing applications such as setbacks, terraces and flashings.

Typical Uses

  • Green Roofs
  • Split Slabs
  • Plaza Decks
  • Planters
  • Wet Rooms
  • Interior Waterproofing
  • Mechanical Rooms
  • Terraces


Completed Projects
