Pro-Grade 197 Asphalt Emulsion
Pro-Grade 197 Asphalt Emulsion
Water-Based Protective Coating
Pro-Grade 197 Asphalt Emulsion is a premium, cold-applied protective coating for new or aged modified bitumen, smooth built-up roof surfaces and aged metal roofing. It resists moisture intrusion and levels irregularities in roof surfaces to provide a foundation for reflective surface coatings
Sizes Available:

5 gal

50 gal

250 gal
Product Details
Pro-Grade 197 Asphalt Emulsion is a premium, cold-applied protective coating for new or aged modified bitumen, smooth built-up roof surfaces and aged metal roofing. It resists moisture intrusion and levels irregularities in roof surfaces to provide a foundation for reflective surface coatings such as Pro-Grade 280 Elastomeric White Roof Coating and Pro-Grade 586, 588 & 599 Aluminum Roof Coatings. Pro-Grade 197 may be reinforced with Henry 189 Fiberglass Roving or Henry 195 Polyester Fabric to increase strength, sag resistance, and longer warranty duration.
For professional use only.
Resists moisture intrusion and levels irregularities in asphaltic roof surfaces
Helps extend the existing roof membrane life cycle
Low odor and VOC compliant in all jurisdictions
Restoration System installation qualifies for up to a 12-Year Material, Labor & Workmanship Henry Gold Seal Warranty
UL-Certified and FM Approved

Technical & Installation
Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion Data Sheet
Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion SDS Sheet
Pro-Grade® Acrylic Roof Coating System Application Guide
Pro-Grade® Aluminum Roof Coating System Application Guide
Henry® Asphalt Roof Emulsion Coating System Application Guide
Pro-Grade® 280 Elastomeric White Roof Coating and Reinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 280 Elastomeric White Roof Coating for Existing Single Ply Roofs
Pro-Grade® 280 Elastomeric White Roof Coating and Unreinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 586 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating and Unreinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 588 Aluminum WB Roof Coating and Reinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 588 Aluminum WB Roof Coating and Unreinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 599 Rubberized Aluminum Roof Coating and Reinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Pro-Grade® 599 Rubberized Aluminum Roof Coating and Unreinforced Pro-Grade® 197 Asphalt Emulsion for Existing MB/BUR Roofs
Henry Pro-Grade Roof Restoration Systems – FM Certified Assemblies
Henry® Asphalt Roof Emulsion Coating System Warranty
Pro-Grade 197 Asphalt Emulsion Health Product Declaration